How to Convert a Notepad++ file to an Excel File

If you have some text or data in the Notepad++ application that you want to save as an Excel file, then there your data should be ok with the below two points,

  1. Your Notepad++ data has to be a delimited dataset i.e. comma separated entries in order to work with Excel.
  2. You are ok to save the file with .csv extension instead of .xlsx or .xls

If that sounds good! You can simply follow the below steps to save the file as an Excel file in Notepad++

  • Step 1: Press Control + Alt + S to save the content of the tab.
  • Now uncheck Append extension or keep the "Save as Type" option as "All Types"
  • Give your filename with extension .csv (e.g. mydata.csv)
  • Now click Save.
Saving Notepad++ file as Excel Type

You should be able to open this file with Microsoft Excel now.

Open the file in Excel

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Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has a Masters Degree in Computer Science with over 15+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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