PowerShell Alias Type Commands List for Mac

If you interact with Microsoft Azure a lot and work on a Mac, well then surely you would be using the PowerShell on the Terminal, below is a comprehensive list of PowerShell alias commands that you may find useful.

DisplayName Name Description
% -> ForEach-Object % Iterates through a collection of items and performs an operation on each item.
? -> Where-Object ? Filters objects from a collection based on specified criteria.
cd -> Set-Location cd Changes the current location (directory) in the file system.
chdir -> Set-Location chdir Changes the current location (directory) in the file system.
clc -> Clear-Content clc Clears the content of a file or variable.
clhy -> Clear-History clhy Clears the command history.
cli -> Clear-Item cli Clears the value of a specified item.
clp -> Clear-ItemProperty clp Clears the value of a specified item property.
cls -> Clear-Host cls Clears the screen or console window.
clv -> Clear-Variable clv Clears the value of a variable.
copy -> Copy-Item copy Copies an item from one location to another.
cpi -> Copy-Item cpi Copies an item from one location to another.
cvpa -> Convert-Path cvpa Converts a path to a provider-specific path format.
dbp -> Disable-PSBreakpoint dbp Disables a specified breakpoint in the current session.
del -> Remove-Item del Deletes an item.
dir -> Get-ChildItem dir Retrieves the child items (files and directories) in a specified location.
ebp -> Enable-PSBreakpoint ebp Enables a specified breakpoint in the current session.
echo -> Write-Output echo Displays a message or value.
epal -> Export-Alias epal Exports one or more aliases to a file.
epcsv -> Export-Csv epcsv Converts objects to CSV format and saves them to a file.
erase -> Remove-Item erase Deletes an item.
etsn -> Enter-PSSession etsn Starts an interactive session with a remote computer.
exsn -> Exit-PSSession exsn Ends an interactive session with a remote computer.
fc -> Format-Custom fc Formats the output of a command as a custom display.
fhx -> Format-Hex fhx Formats binary data as hexadecimal strings.
fimo -> Find-Module fimo Finds modules from an online repository.
fl -> Format-List fl Formats the output of a command as a list.
foreach -> ForEach-Object foreach Iterates through a collection of items and performs an operation on each item.
ft -> Format-Table ft Formats the output of a command as a table.
fw -> Format-Wide fw Formats the output of a command as a wide, multicolumn display.
gal -> Get-Alias gal Gets the aliases in the current session.
gbp -> Get-PSBreakpoint gbp Gets the breakpoints in the current session.
gc -> Get-Content gc Retrieves the contents of a file.
gcb -> Get-Clipboard gcb Retrieves the text or image content from the clipboard.
gci -> Get-ChildItem gci Retrieves the child items (files and directories) in a specified location.
gcm -> Get-Command gcm Gets the commands (cmdlets, functions, scripts, etc.) available in the session.
gcs -> Get-PSCallStack gcs Gets the current call stack in the session.
gdr -> Get-PSDrive gdr Gets the drives (filesystems) available in the session.
gerr -> Get-Error gerr Gets the most recent error in the session.
ghy -> Get-History ghy Gets the command history.
gi -> Get-Item gi Retrieves the properties of an item (file, directory, registry key, etc.).
gjb -> Get-Job gjb Gets the background jobs in the session.
gl -> Get-Location gl Gets the current location (directory) in the file system.
gm -> Get-Member gm Gets the properties and methods of an object.
gmo -> Get-Module gmo Gets the modules that have been imported or installed.
gp -> Get-ItemProperty gp Gets the properties of an item.
gps -> Get-Process gps Gets the running processes on the local or a remote computer.
gpv -> Get-ItemPropertyValue gpv Gets the value of a specified item property.
group -> Group-Object group Groups objects based on specified properties.
gsn -> Get-PSSession gsn Gets the active PSSessions (remote sessions) in the session.
gtz -> Get-TimeZone gtz Gets the time zones available on the local or a remote computer.
gu -> Get-Unique gu Filters out duplicate objects from a collection.
gv -> Get-Variable gv Gets the variables in the session.
h -> Get-History h Gets the command history.
history -> Get-History history Gets the command history.
icm -> Invoke-Command icm Runs commands on local and remote computers.
iex -> Invoke-Expression iex Runs a string as a command.
ihy -> Invoke-History ihy Runs commands from the command history.
ii -> Invoke-Item ii Invokes (opens) a file or launches an application.
inmo -> Install-Module inmo Installs one or more modules from an online repository.
ipal -> Import-Alias ipal Imports aliases from a file.
ipcsv -> Import-Csv ipcsv Imports CSV data from a file.
ipmo -> Import-Module ipmo Imports one or more modules into the session.
irm -> Invoke-RestMethod irm Sends an HTTP or HTTPS request to a RESTful web service.
iwr -> Invoke-WebRequest iwr Sends an HTTP or HTTPS request to a web page or web service.
md -> mkdir md Creates a new directory.
measure -> Measure-Object measure Calculates or counts the properties of objects.
mi -> Move-Item mi Moves an item from one location to another.
move -> Move-Item move Moves an item from one location to another.
mp -> Move-ItemProperty mp Moves a property from one item to another.
nal -> New-Alias nal Creates a new alias for a command or script.
ni -> New-Item ni Creates a new item (file, directory, registry key, etc.).
nmo -> New-Module nmo Creates a new module.
nsn -> New-PSSession nsn Creates a new PowerShell session (remote session).
nv -> New-Variable nv Creates a new variable.
oh -> Out-Host oh Sends output to the host (console).
popd -> Pop-Location popd Restores the previous location (directory) from the stack.
pumo -> Publish-Module pumo Publishes a module to an online repository.
pushd -> Push-Location pushd Pushes the current location (directory) onto the stack and changes to a new location.
pwd -> Get-Location pwd Gets the current location (directory) in the file system.
r -> Invoke-History r Runs commands from the command history.
rbp -> Remove-PSBreakpoint rbp Removes a specified breakpoint in the current session.
rcjb -> Receive-Job rcjb Gets the results of a background job.
rcsn -> Receive-PSSession rcsn Receives data from a remote PowerShell session.
rd -> Remove-Item rd Deletes an item.
rdr -> Remove-PSDrive rdr Removes a specified drive (filesystem) from the session.
ren -> Rename-Item ren Renames an item (file, directory, etc.).
ri -> Remove-Item ri Deletes an item.
rjb -> Remove-Job rjb Deletes a background job.
rmo -> Remove-Module rmo Removes a specified module from the session.
rni -> Rename-Item rni Renames an item (file, directory, etc.).
rnp -> Rename-ItemProperty rnp Renames a specified item property.
rp -> Remove-ItemProperty rp Removes a specified item property.
rsn -> Remove-PSSession rsn Closes a specified PowerShell session (remote session).
rv -> Remove-Variable rv Removes a variable from the session.
rvpa -> Resolve-Path rvpa Resolves the wildcard characters in a path.
sajb -> Start-Job sajb Starts a background job.
sal -> Set-Alias sal Creates or changes an alias for a command or script.
saps -> Start-Process saps Starts a process (application).
sbp -> Set-PSBreakpoint sbp Sets a breakpoint in the current session.
scb -> Set-Clipboard scb Sets the text or image content of the clipboard.
select -> Select-Object select Selects specified properties of an object.
set -> Set-Variable set Sets the value of a variable.
si -> Set-Item si Sets the properties of an item (file, directory, registry key, etc.).
sl -> Set-Location sl Changes the current location (directory) in the file system.
sls -> Select-String sls Searches for patterns in text.
sp -> Set-ItemProperty sp Sets the value of a specified item property.
spjb -> Stop-Job spjb Stops a background job.
spps -> Stop-Process spps Stops one or more processes.
sv -> Set-Variable sv Sets the value of a variable.
type -> Get-Content type Retrieves the contents of a file.
upmo -> Update-Module upmo Updates a module from an online repository.
where -> Where-Object where Filters objects from a collection based on specified criteria.
wjb -> Wait-Job wjb Waits for a background job to complete

Note: You can get the list of all PowerShell commands that you can use on Mac by typing the below command.

pwsh> Get-Command -CommandType Alias | Select-Object DisplayName, Name, ModuleName, CommandType | Format-Table

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Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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You can also reach out to him via e-mail: rakesh@code2care.org

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