Encode/Decode URL Query String in Notepad++

In this example, we will take a look at how to Encode/Decode URL Query String in Notepad++,

Encoding URL Query String:

  1. Open Notepad++,
  2. Copy and Paste the URL string in one of the tab,
  3. Now select all the text (Control + A),
  4. Goto Menu: Plugins -> MIME Tools -> URL Encode
  5. Text will get encoded.
Notepad++ URL Encode Decode Options
Before Encoding:
https://code2care.org/query=This is a search query, A&B Welcome!
After Encoding:

Decoding URL Query String:

  1. Copy and Paste the URL string in one of the tab,
  2. Now select the text from the URL that you want to decode,
  3. Goto Menu: Plugins -> MIME Tools -> URL Decode
  4. Text will get decoded.
Before Encoding:
After Encoding:
https://code2care.org/query=This is a search query, A&B Welcome!

✌️ Try out our Online URL Encoder Decoder

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