SQL Formatting Plugin in Notepad++

At times you may have SQL Queries that are too big and not well formatted, which makes them hard to understand, if you are looking for a simple offline tool to format your SQL query or script you can make use of the Notepad++ Editor on your Windows device.

Steps: How to download SQL Formatting Plugin in Notepad++

  • Open Notepad++ Editor.
  • Now go to Menu: Plugins > Plugin Admin...
  • Search for SQLinForm and tick the checkbox.
  • Click on Install. Notepad++ will get restarted and the SQL plugin will be installed.
SQLinForm for Notepad++

Once downloaded, you will find the plugin under Tools.

Example - Format SQL in Notepad++ using Plugin

As shown in the above screenshot example, we can select the text of an SQL query and go to SQLinForm > Format Selected SQL to format it. You will also see that the SQL Syntax is color-coded as well, which is super cool!

Tip: Make use of the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + F to quickly format your SQL.

You can go to SQL Formatting Options to do customizations like select your type of Database, Quote Character, Delimiter, Escape Character, SQL Indention, and much more.

Netezza SQL
SQL Server
Redshift SQL

About the plugin:

Formats plain SQL, SQL embedded in program code, SQL snippets, and SQL statements with syntax errors. Has a powerful code folding feature and formats your SQL as you Type. Supports all major DB like Orade, DB2, SQL Server, Teradata, Netezza, MySQL, Sybase, MS Access, etc.

Incorporates its own multi-DB parser engine. No additional software is required.

Author: Guido Thelen

Homepage: https://www.sqlinform.com

Facing issues? Have Questions? Post them here! I am happy to answer!

Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has a Masters Degree in Computer Science with over 15+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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You can also reach out to him via e-mail: rakesh@code2care.org

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