How to Copy to Clipboard using Terminal Command

At times you may want to copy the text of a command on a Mac Terminal to the Clipboard, you can do that after executing the command and by making use of the keyboard and the mouse (or trackpad), but this will be a two-step process.

Do you know we can make use of a command called pbcopy, which lets you copy the output of a command straight to the clipboard.


ls -l | pbcopy
Example Copy Terminal Text to Clipboard

You can learn more about this command using the manual man pbcopy.

This is not an AI-generated article but is demonstrated by a human on an M1 Mac running macOS Sonoma 14.0.

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Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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