Let's say you have a bash script with name script.sh with a simple hello message.
echo "hello!"
Now if you want to have this script accept command line string arguments, you can simply add it when you run your script.
# ./script.sh Sam
You will see this prints out only "hello!" because we have not made use of the argument passed in the script, so lets modify it.
echo "hello $1!"
Now lets run the script again by passing our 1st argument.
# ./script.sh Sam
hello Sam!
There we have it!
If you add more arguments to the bash script when executing you can access them using $2, $3, $4... and so on!
If you want to fetch the name of the script you can make use of $0
echo "hello $1! you just executed the script: $0!"
Facing issues? Have Questions? Post them here! I am happy to answer!
- How to use Autocomplete and Autosuggestion in Shell Commands
- Bash How to Save Output of a Command to a Variable
- How to know the current shell you are logged in?
- How to Echo Bash Command to a File
- Bash Command to Get Absolute Path for a File
- How to Split a String based on Delimiter in Bash Scripting
- Bash: Command Line Arguments to Bash Script Examples
- Bash Command to Download a File From URL
- How to check if a Command Exists using Bash Script
- Ways to Increment a counter variable in Bash Script
- Know Bash shell version command
- Bash command to Read, Output and Manipulate JSON File
- Bash Command to Base64 Decode a String
- Bash Command to Check Python Version
- Bash: Command to Find the Length of a String
- What is $$ in Bash Shell Script- Special Variable
- Bash - How to check if a Command Failed?
- List all Username and User ID using Bash Command
- Command to Sort File In Reverse Order [Unix/Linux/macOS]
- bash: netstat: command not found
- Bash Command To Go Back To Previous Directory
- [Fix] bash: script.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
- How to check your IP using bash for Windows?
- Bash Command To Check If File Exists
- Convert String from uppercase to lowercase in Bash
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