Bash Command To Check If File Exists

If you are looking for a bash command to check if file exists then you can try the below options,

Option 1: test command with if-then-else-fi

    if test -f my-file.txt; then
        echo "The file exists!"
        echo "The file does not exist!"

    If you want to look at a specific path,

    if test -f /path-to-file/my-file.txt; then
        echo "The file exists!"
        echo "The file does not exist!"

Option 2: Using Square Brackets [ ] in one line

    [ -f "data.csv" ] && echo "File exists." || echo "File does not exist."

    Using [ -f "file-name.extention" ] we check if the file exists or not and accordingly echo the result. You can make it more short with -1 to indicate the file does not exists and 1 if it does.

    [ -f "data.csv" ] && echo "1" || echo "-1"
    Bash - Check if file exists or not

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Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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