Python Comments Multiple Lines

There are two ways in which you can comment out multiple lines in Python Programming,

  1. Multi-Line Comment: using triple single quotes: '''
  2. Docstring: using triple double quotes: """


  • Using triple single quotes at the start and end of the command line.
    This is a multi-line comment
    using triple single quotes
    that can span multiple lines.
    # This is a single-line comment
    def my_function():
  • Using triple double quotes at the start and end of the command line.
    def my_func():
        This is a multi-line comment
        using triple single quotes
        that can span multiple lines.
        This is called the function-level docstring.
        It is used to document the purpose and behavior of a function.

Real World Example:

Developer: Code2care
Date: 25 April 2023
Version: v1.0

def calculate_simple_interest(principal, rate, time):
    This function calculates the simple interest 
    for a given principal amount, rate of interest, and time.

    :param principal: The principal amount.
    :param rate: The rate of interest per year.
    :param time: The time duration in years.
    :return: The simple interest calculated for the given parameters.
    interest = (principal * rate * time) / 100
    return interest

#function call
print("The Simple Interest is: ",calculate_simple_interest(1000,4,12))
Muli-Line Comments in Python

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Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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