How to convert int to ASCII in Python

We can convert an int value to ASCII in Python using the chr() built-in function.

Let us take a look at a few examples,

Example 1:

int_value = 99

ascii_value = chr(int_value)




Example 2:

ascii_table = {}

# Lowercase letters a-z
for i in range(97, 123):
    ascii_table[i] = chr(i)

# Uppercase letters A-Z
for i in range(65, 91):
    ascii_table[i] = chr(i)

# Digits 0-9
for i in range(48, 58):
    ascii_table[i] = chr(i)

print("int -> ascii")
for integer, character in ascii_table.items():
    print(f"{integer} -> {character}")


int -> ascii
97 -> a
98 -> b
99 -> c
100 -> d
101 -> e
102 -> f
103 -> g
104 -> h
105 -> i
106 -> j
107 -> k
108 -> l
109 -> m
110 -> n
111 -> o
112 -> p
113 -> q
114 -> r
115 -> s
116 -> t
117 -> u
118 -> v
119 -> w
120 -> x
121 -> y
122 -> z
65 -> A
66 -> B
67 -> C
68 -> D
69 -> E
70 -> F
71 -> G
72 -> H
73 -> I
74 -> J
75 -> K
76 -> L
77 -> M
78 -> N
79 -> O
80 -> P
81 -> Q
82 -> R
83 -> S
84 -> T
85 -> U
86 -> V
87 -> W
88 -> X
89 -> Y
90 -> Z
48 -> 0
49 -> 1
50 -> 2
51 -> 3
52 -> 4
53 -> 5
54 -> 6
55 -> 7
56 -> 8
57 -> 9

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Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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