How to add Quotes at the Start and End of Each Line in Notepad++

If you have a use case add either a single or double quote at the end of each line of your text/file, you can make use of the Notepad++ Find and Replace feature with Regular expressions.

Steps to add Single Quotes at Start and End of Each Line:

  1. Open the file or paste your text data in a Notepad++ tab.
  2. Now press Control + H to open Replace window.
  3. Change the Search Mode to Regular Expression
  4. To add single quotes at the start of each line in "Find what:" add: ^ and "Replace with:": '
  5. Click on Replace All.
  6. Similarly, to add single quotes at the end of each line in "Find what:" add: $ and "Replace with:": '
  7. Click on Replace All.
Adding at start of each line a single quotes
Adding Single Quote at end of each line using Notepad++

The steps to add double quotes at the start and the end of each line remain similar, all you need to do is use "Replace with:" as " in step 4 and 5.

This is not an AI-generated article but is demonstrated by a human with Notepad++ v 8.5.7 on a Windows 11 PC.

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Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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