How to submit website to dmoz directory is an Open Directory Project used by many search engines like AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc to index websites.

Submitting a website link to them is really easy, just follow the below steps:

  1. Go to website.
  2. You would see various categories likes Arts, Games, Kids and Teens, Reference, Shopping, Business, Health, News, Regional, Society, Computers, Home, Recreation, and Science. Select the category the website fits in.
  3. Now you will get into the Sub Categories section, keep on drilling until you find the best place for your website.
  4. You would now see Submit URL link at the top right side of the page you are in, click on it.
  5. You will get into "Submit a Site to DMOZ" page, read the instructions.
  6. Now scroll down and you would See Site URL: and the website link here.
  7. Add Title of the Site and a small description (no longer than 25-30 words).
  8. Provide you Email Address and Captcha.
  9. Thats it and submit.

Note: Once your site has been accepted into DMOZ, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites that use DMOZ data.

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