In Python, in order to print out text in the console, you can use the print() function. But by default, the print() will add a new line character (based on the OS \n, \r, or \r\n) at the end of the text that it printed out.
If you do not want to print text with a new line character at the end, you can use the end parameter of the print() function.
Example:print("I want to ",end='')
print("continue printing ",end='')
print("on the same line ",end='')
print("using Python print() ",end='')
Output on the same line as expected:
I want to continue printing on the same line using Python print()
More on the "end parameter"
The end parameter is used to specify the character or characters that should be printed at the end of the printed text using the print() function.
By default end parameter is set to a newline character i.e. \n
So when you use the default print() function in python, it always adds a newline character at the end of the text.
If you wish to change it to any other character, you can simply use the parameter end= followed by a character.
Let's have some fun!
In the below example, we have replaced the end parameter with an emoji and a new line.
print("Hello ",end='😀\n')
print("How are you? ",end='😀\n')
Hello 😀
How are you? 😀
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