Enable Eclipse dark mode

Dark mode or Night modes are getting very popular these days, If you have used IDEs like IntelliJ or VSCode then you must be used to their default dark themes, if you are wondering how to enable dark mode in Eclipse IDE, here is how you can do it,

Eclipse Dark Theme View
Eclipse Dark Theme View

Enable Eclipse Dark Mode On Windows Operating System:

  1. Open Eclipse IDE
  2. Go to Menu Option: Window (Keyboard shortcut: press Alt + W)
  3. Select Preferences (Keyboard shortcut: press P)
  4. Under General go to Appearance, check the checkbox: Enable theming (requires restart)
  5. Now under Themes drop down select a dark theme: Dark
  6. Click Apply, you would get a message: "A restart is required for the theme change to take full effect"

    Theme Change requries a restart
    Theme Change requries a restart
  7. Click OK
  8. Close Preferences window and restart your Eclispe IDE
  9. You must be in the dark mode/theme now!

Enable Eclipse Dark Mode On macOS (MacBooks, Mac Mini's or iMac's):

  1. Open Eclipse Application
  2. Go to Menu Option: Eclipse -> General -> Preferences (Keyboard shortcut: press Command ⌘ + ,)
  3. Under Appearance check the checkbox: Enable theming (requires restart)
  4. Now under Themes drop down select a dark theme: Dark
  5. Click Apply & OK
  6. Restart your Eclispe

Note: You can choose from other themes such as: Dark, Dark [Linux], Dark [Mac OS X], Light, Light [Linux], Light [Mac OS X]

To get back to the default theme, follow the same steps and select theme Classic


  • Anon: Thank you! Was looking for this... I wish Eclipse had the Dark theme similar to IntelliJ!
    15 Aug 2121 11:08:39 GMT
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