How to Set Permanent ruler in Sublime Text

If you have made use of Rulers in Sublime Text Editor, you must have seen that as you set the Ruler in one of the files or tab it is not activated for all tabs/files.

If you are an advanced user and want to have a ruler visible in each of your new tabs or files, then you can add the user settings.

  1. Open Sublime Text Editor,
  2. Go to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings (on macOS, may vary for Windows users)
  3. Now in Preferences.sublime-settings file add the below with in braces: "rulers": [100]
  4. Close the tabs and you should see now each files and tabs have rulers enabled.
Permanently Set Ruler in Sublime Text Editor
Permanently Set Ruler in Sublime Text Editor

⛏️ If you do not want to have the ruler or want to change its size, follow the same steps to open Preferences.sublime-setting file and edit or remove the rulers parameter.

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