Installing Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi

Below are the quick steps to install Visual Studio Code (VSCode) IDE on a Raspberry Pi device,

  • Step 1: Make sure you are running Raspberry Pi OS
  • Step 2: Open the Terminal App.
  • Step 3: Run the below commands,

      To update apt package manager:

      sudo apt update

      To install Visual Studio Code:

      sudo apt install code

  • Step 4: Once the installation is complete, you will find Visual Studio Code installed under Programming menu option.

VS Code System requirements:

Raspberry Pi models running 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Raspberry Pi OS:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

  • Raspberry Pi 400

Note: 1st Gen Raspberry Pi modules and Pi Zero are not supported!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Visual Studio Code (VS Code)?

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

2. Can I install Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, you can install Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi, though it requires some additional steps compared to installing on other platforms.

3. What operating system (OS) should I use on my Raspberry Pi?

Visual Studio Code can be installed on various OSes for Raspberry Pi, including Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian), Ubuntu, and others.

4. How do I install Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi OS?

To install VS Code on Raspberry Pi OS, you can download the ARM build from the official VS Code website and install it using the terminal.

5. Can I install Visual Studio Code using apt-get on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, you can add the VS Code repository and install it using apt-get on Raspberry Pi OS. Here's how:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code

6. What are the system requirements for running Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

Visual Studio Code is lightweight, but Raspberry Pi performance may vary. Generally, a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM or more is recommended for smoother performance.

7. Does Visual Studio Code support Python development on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code supports Python development on Raspberry Pi. You can install Python extensions to enhance your development environment.

8. How do I download and install VS Code from the official website?

You can download the ARM build of VS Code from the official website and install it manually using the terminal:
sudo dpkg -i .deb
sudo apt install -f

9. Can I use Visual Studio Code for web development on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code supports web development on Raspberry Pi. You can install extensions for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

10. How do I install VS Code extensions on Raspberry Pi?

You can install extensions directly from the VS Code Marketplace within the editor or by downloading the VSIX files and installing them manually.

11. Is Visual Studio Code free to use on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code is free and open-source software under the MIT License.

12. How do I uninstall Visual Studio Code from Raspberry Pi?

To uninstall VS Code from Raspberry Pi OS, use the following commands:
sudo apt remove code
sudo apt autoremove

13. What should I do if Visual Studio Code doesn't start on my Raspberry Pi?

If VS Code doesn't start, try reinstalling it or checking if there are any conflicting packages or dependencies.

14. How do I update Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

You can update VS Code on Raspberry Pi using apt-get:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade code

15. Can I use Visual Studio Code for C++ development on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, you can use Visual Studio Code for C++ development on Raspberry Pi. Install the necessary extensions and compilers.

16. How do I open a terminal in Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

You can open a terminal in VS Code on Raspberry Pi by pressing Ctrl + ` or from the menu (View > Terminal).

17. Does Visual Studio Code support Git integration on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code has built-in Git integration, allowing you to manage version control directly from the editor on Raspberry Pi.

18. How do I configure Visual Studio Code settings on Raspberry Pi?

You can configure VS Code settings by accessing the settings JSON file (settings.json) or using the settings UI within the editor.

19. Can I use Visual Studio Code for IoT development on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code supports IoT development on Raspberry Pi. Install relevant extensions and libraries for IoT projects.

20. How do I debug applications using Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

You can debug applications in VS Code on Raspberry Pi by setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and using the debugger UI.

21. What programming languages are supported in Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

Visual Studio Code supports various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, C++, Java, and more, on Raspberry Pi.

22. Can I use Visual Studio Code for remote development on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code supports remote development using SSH, WSL, or other protocols, allowing you to develop on Raspberry Pi from another machine.

23. How do I change the theme in Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi?

You can change the theme in VS Code on Raspberry Pi by accessing the Preferences (File > Preferences > Color Theme) and selecting a theme.

24. Is Visual Studio Code suitable for beginner programmers on Raspberry Pi?

Yes, Visual Studio Code is beginner-friendly and offers a user-friendly interface with extensive documentation and community support.

25. How do I report issues or contribute to Visual Studio Code development on Raspberry Pi?

You can report issues or contribute to VS Code development on Raspberry Pi by visiting the GitHub repository and following the guidelines for contributing.

Facing issues? Have Questions? Post them here! I am happy to answer!

Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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