Python Slicing Working with examples

The concept of slicing in Python makes it very efficient to work with strings, lists, or tuples to extract a section from them with the help of range and indices.


Let's try to understand each of the parameters here,

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
startStarting index of the slice (inclusive)0
endEnding index of the slice (exclusive)Length of sequence
stepStep size between elements in the slice1

Slicing with Strings Example:

Now let's start with a simple example of a string as a sequence.

sequence = "Let's try to learn sequences in Python!"
'Let's'Start: 0, End: 6, Step: 1
'sequences in Python!'Start: 19, End: None, Step: 1
'to learn'Start: 8, End: 16, Step: 1
'Let's try to learn sequences'Start: 0, End: 23, Step: 1
'Python!'Start: 25, End: None, Step: 1
'Let's in!'Start: 0, End: 14, Step: 2
'!'Start: -1, End: None, Step: 1
'Pytse ie'Start: 26, End: 5, Step: -1

Once you get an understanding of how to slice what substring you are looking for, we can convert it into code.

sequence = "Let's try to learn sequences in Python!"

print(sequence[0:6])          # Result: "Let's"
print(sequence[19:])          # Result: "sequences in Python!"
print(sequence[8:16])         # Result: "to learn"
print(sequence[0:28])         # Result: "Let's try to learn sequences"
print(sequence[32:])          # Result: "Python!"
print(sequence[0:14:8])       # Result: "Ly"
print(sequence[-1:])          # Result: "!"
print(sequence[26:5:-1])      # Result: "ecneuqes nrael ot yrt"

Slicing with Lists Example:

"Let's"Start: 0, End: 6, Step: 1
"sequences in Python!"Start: 19, End: None, Step: 1
"to learn"Start: 8, End: 16, Step: 1
"Let's try to learn sequences"Start: 0, End: 28, Step: 1
"Python!"Start: 32, End: None, Step: 1
"Ly"Start: 0, End: 14, Step: 8
"!"Start: -1, End: None, Step: 1
"ecneuqes nrael ot yrt"Start: 26, End: 5, Step: -1

list = [0.596, 0.105, 0.782, 0.421, 0.914, 0.290, 0.682, 0.813]
import random

decimal_numbers = [random.random() for _ in range(8)]
print(decimal_numbers)                    # Result: [0.596, 0.105, 0.782, 0.421, 0.914, 0.290, 0.682, 0.813]
print(decimal_numbers[0:])                # Result: [0.596, 0.105, 0.782, 0.421, 0.914, 0.290, 0.682, 0.813]
print(decimal_numbers[3:7])                # Result: [0.421, 0.914, 0.290, 0.682]
print(decimal_numbers[0:7:3])              # Result: [0.596, 0.782, 0.290]
print(decimal_numbers[-1::-1])             # Result: [0.813, 0.682, 0.290, 0.914, 0.421, 0.782, 0.105, 0.596]
print(decimal_numbers[-5:-1])              # Result: [0.105, 0.290, 0.682, 0.782]
print(decimal_numbers[3::2])               # Result: [0.421, 0.290, 0.105]
print(decimal_numbers[2:0:-1])             # Result: [0.682, 0.290, 0.421, 0.782]
print(decimal_numbers[4::-1])              # Result: [0.914, 0.421, 0.782, 0.105, 0.596]

Slicing with tuple Example:

cities = ('New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'Tokyo')
('New York',)Start: 0, End: 1, Step: 1
('Paris', 'London')Start: 1, End: None, Step: 1
('Tokyo',)Start: 2, End: 3, Step: 1
('New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'Tokyo')Start: 0, End: None, Step: 1
('Tokyo', 'Paris')Start: 2, End: None, Step: -1
()Start: None, End: None, Step: None
('London', 'Paris', 'New York')Start: -1, End: None, Step: -1
('Paris', 'London')Start: 1, End: 3, Step: 1

cities = ('New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'Tokyo')

print(cities[0:1])                      # Result: ('New York',)
print(cities[1:])                       # Result: ('Paris', 'London', 'Tokyo')
print(cities[2:3])                      # Result: ('London',)
print(cities[0:])                       # Result: ('New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'Tokyo')
print(cities[3:1:-1])                   # Result: ('Tokyo', 'Paris')
print(cities[:])                        # Result: ('New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'Tokyo')
print(cities[-1:])                      # Result: ('Tokyo',)
print(cities[-2:-4:-1])                 # Result: ('London', 'Paris')

Some more examples:

sequence[:]Entire sequenceReturns a new sequence that is a copy of the entire sequence.
sequence[::]Entire sequence (equivalent to sequence[:])Returns a new sequence that is a copy of the entire sequence.
sequence[::2]Every second itemReturns a new sequence containing every second item.
sequence[1::2]Every second item starting at index 1Returns a new sequence containing every second item starting at index 1.
sequence[::-1]Reversed sequenceReturns a new sequence with items in reverse order.
sequence[:5]First five itemsReturns a new sequence containing the first five items.
sequence[-5:]Last five itemsReturns a new sequence containing the last five items.
sequence[2:7]Items from index 2 to 6Returns a new sequence containing items from index 2 to 6.
sequence[1:-1]Everything except the first and last itemsReturns a new sequence excluding the first and last items.
sequence[::3]Every third itemReturns a new sequence containing every third item.
sequence[:-2]Everything except the last two itemsReturns a new sequence excluding the last two items.
sequence[-3:-1]Second-last and third-last itemsReturns a new sequence containing the second-last and third-last items.
sequence[1:9:2]Every second item from index 1 to 8Returns a new sequence containing every second item from index 1 to 8.

Slicing Example Python

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Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has a Masters Degree in Computer Science with over 15+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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