integer_no = 0101
SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted;
use an 0o prefix for octal integers
Reason for leading zero SyntaxError
In Python Programming, leading zeroes to a number value is not allowed, as having a leading zero, the number (assumed to be decimal - base 10) is considered to be an Oactal number (to the base 8)
But even to represent a number of octal (base 8( type, you have to add prefix 0o (Numeric 0 followed by lowercase letter o)
There could be one of these solutions based on what you are trying to achieve.
1. If the number is a decimal number
decimal_no = 101
2. If the number is an octal number
octal_no = 0o101
3. If the value is to be a String
string = "0101"
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