Below is the list of all Cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets") Commands in PowerShell for Mac with a sort description.
Sr.No. | Cmdlet | Module | Description |
1 | Add-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To append content to the specified item. |
2 | Add-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To add entries to the command history. |
3 | Add-Member | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To add a member (property or method) to an object. |
4 | Add-Type | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To dynamically compile and add a .NET type to the current session. |
5 | Clear-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To clear the content of an item. |
6 | Clear-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To clear the command history. |
7 | Clear-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To clear the content of an item at the specified path. |
8 | Clear-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To remove the properties of an item at the specified location. |
9 | Clear-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To clear the value of a variable. |
10 | Compare-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To compare two sets of objects and indicate their differences. |
11 | Convert-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To convert a path from a provider-specific format to a PowerShell path. |
12 | ConvertFrom-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert CSV string input into objects. |
13 | ConvertFrom-Json | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert a JSON-formatted string into objects. |
14 | ConvertFrom-Markdown | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert a Markdown-formatted string into HTML or rich text format. |
15 | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To convert a secure string (encrypted password) into an encrypted standard string. |
16 | ConvertFrom-StringData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert a string containing key-value pairs into a hash table. |
17 | ConvertTo-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. |
18 | ConvertTo-Html | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into HTML format. |
19 | ConvertTo-Json | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. |
20 | ConvertTo-SecureString | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To convert an encrypted standard string into a secure string (encrypted password). |
21 | ConvertTo-Xml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. |
22 | Copy-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To copy an item from one location to another. |
23 | Copy-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To copy properties from one item to another. |
24 | Debug-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To debug a background job. |
25 | Debug-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To attach a debugger to a running process. |
26 | Debug-Runspace | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To debug a runspace. |
27 | Disable-ExperimentalFeature | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To disable an experimental feature in PowerShell. |
28 | Disable-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To disable breakpoints in the current session. |
29 | Disable-RunspaceDebug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To disable debugging for a runspace. |
30 | Enable-ExperimentalFeature | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To enable an experimental feature in PowerShell. |
31 | Enable-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To enable breakpoints in the current session. |
32 | Enable-RunspaceDebug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To enable debugging for a runspace. |
33 | Enter-PSHostProcess | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To enter a running process in the current session. |
34 | Enter-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To start an interactive session with a remote computer. |
35 | Exit-PSHostProcess | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To exit a running process in the current session. |
36 | Exit-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To end an interactive session with a remote computer. |
37 | Export-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To export currently defined aliases to a file. |
38 | Export-Clixml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into a XML-based representation (CLI XML) and save it to a file. |
39 | Export-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format and save it to a file. |
40 | Export-FormatData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To export formatting data from the current session. |
41 | Export-ModuleMember | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To export specific module members from a module. |
42 | Export-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To export commands, functions, aliases, and variables from a PSSession to the local computer. |
43 | Find-Package | PackageManagement | To find and discover software packages from package sources. |
44 | Find-PackageProvider | PackageManagement | To find and install package providers for the PackageManagement module. |
45 | ForEach-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To perform an operation on each item in a collection of input objects. |
46 | Format-Custom | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To control the display of objects by specifying formatting instructions. |
47 | Format-Hex | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert input into a hexadecimal representation. |
48 | Format-List | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To format output as a list of properties in a table-like format. |
49 | Format-Table | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To format output as a table with labeled columns. |
50 | Format-Wide | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To format output as a wide table with one property per line. |
51 | Get-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the currently defined aliases. |
52 | Get-ChildItem | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the items and child items in a specified location. |
53 | Get-Clipboard | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the content of the clipboard. |
54 | Get-CmsMessage | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To get the properties of a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) message. |
55 | Get-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get information about cmdlets, functions, scripts, and other executable code. |
56 | Get-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the content of an item at the specified location. |
57 | Get-Credential | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To get a credential object for a specified user name and password. |
58 | Get-Culture | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the current culture settings of the system. |
59 | Get-Date | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the current date and time. |
60 | Get-Error | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the most recent error that occurred in the session. |
61 | Get-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the events in the event queue. |
62 | Get-EventSubscriber | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the event subscribers in the current session. |
63 | Get-ExecutionPolicy | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To get the execution policy for the current session. |
64 | Get-ExperimentalFeature | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get the experimental features that are enabled in PowerShell. |
65 | Get-FileHash | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To compute the hash value for a file. |
66 | Get-FormatData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get formatting data in the current session. |
67 | Get-Help | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get help information about PowerShell concepts, commands, and modules. |
68 | Get-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get the command history. |
69 | Get-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the host object for the current session. |
70 | Get-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the item at the specified location. |
71 | Get-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the properties of an item at the specified location. |
72 | Get-ItemPropertyValue | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the value of a specified property from an item. |
73 | Get-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get the background jobs in the current session. |
74 | Get-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the current location (current directory) in the session. |
75 | Get-MarkdownOption | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the current configuration options for the ConvertFrom-Markdown cmdlet. |
76 | Get-Member | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the members (properties and methods) of an object. |
77 | Get-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get the loaded modules in the current session. |
78 | Get-Package | PackageManagement | To get software packages from a package source. |
79 | Get-PackageProvider | PackageManagement | To get the available package providers for PowerShell. |
80 | Get-PackageSource | PackageManagement | To get the package sources registered in PowerShell. |
81 | Get-PfxCertificate | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To get certificates from a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) file. |
82 | Get-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the processes running on a local or remote computer. |
83 | Get-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the breakpoints set in the current session. |
84 | Get-PSCallStack | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the current call stack trace in the session. |
85 | Get-PSDrive | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the drives (filesystem, registry, etc.) available in the current session. |
86 | Get-PSHostProcessInfo | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get information about the processes started by Enter-PSHostProcess in the current session. |
87 | Get-PSProvider | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the providers (filesystem, registry, etc.) available in the current session. |
88 | Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler | PSReadLine | To get the currently defined key handlers in PSReadLine. |
89 | Get-PSReadLineOption | PSReadLine | To get the current options for PSReadLine, the command-line editing experience in PowerShell. |
90 | Get-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To get the active PowerShell sessions (remote or local). |
91 | Get-Random | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To generate a random number. |
92 | Get-Runspace | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the currently active runspaces. |
93 | Get-RunspaceDebug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get debugging information for a runspace. |
94 | Get-TimeZone | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To get the current time zone or a list of available time zones. |
95 | Get-TraceSource | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the trace source objects for diagnostic tracing. |
96 | Get-TypeData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the type data defined in the session. |
97 | Get-UICulture | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the current user interface (UI) culture settings. |
98 | Get-Unique | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the unique items from a collection of objects. |
99 | Get-Uptime | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the system uptime. |
100 | Get-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the variables in the current scope. |
101 | Get-Verb | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To get the approved verbs for cmdlet and function names. |
102 | Group-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To group objects based on one or more properties. |
103 | Import-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To import aliases from a file. |
104 | Import-Clixml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To import objects from an XML-based representation (CLI XML) stored in a file. |
105 | Import-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To import CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data into objects. |
106 | Import-LocalizedData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To import a module's localized data. |
107 | Import-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To import a module into the current session. |
108 | Import-PackageProvider | PackageManagement | To import a package provider into PowerShell. |
109 | Import-PowerShellDataFile | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To import data from a PowerShell-specific data file. |
110 | Import-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To import commands, functions, aliases, and variables from a PSSession to the local session. |
111 | Install-Package | PackageManagement | To install software packages from package sources. |
112 | Install-PackageProvider | PackageManagement | To install a package provider for PowerShell. |
113 | Invoke-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To run commands on local and remote computers. |
114 | Invoke-Expression | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To evaluate and execute PowerShell code or expressions. |
115 | Invoke-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To invoke commands from the command history. |
116 | Invoke-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To invoke (open) a file or launch an application. |
117 | Invoke-RestMethod | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To send HTTP and HTTPS requests to a RESTful web service and return the response. |
118 | Invoke-WebRequest | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To send HTTP and HTTPS requests and receive the response. |
119 | Join-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To combine multiple strings into a single path. |
120 | Join-String | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To join strings into a single string using a delimiter. |
121 | Measure-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To measure the execution time of a script block or cmdlet. |
122 | Measure-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To measure various properties of an object, such as count, length, or average. |
123 | Move-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To move an item from one location to another. |
124 | Move-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To move a property from one item to another. |
125 | New-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create a new alias (alternate name) for a command or script. |
126 | New-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create a custom event. |
127 | New-Guid | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To generate a new GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). |
128 | New-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To create a new item (file, directory, etc.) at the specified location. |
129 | New-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To create or modify a property of an item. |
130 | New-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a new dynamic module in memory. |
131 | New-ModuleManifest | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a module manifest (module manifest file). |
132 | New-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create a new instance of a .NET object or a custom object. |
133 | New-PSDrive | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To create a new drive (filesystem, registry, etc.) in the current session. |
134 | New-PSRoleCapabilityFile | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a session configuration file that defines the role capabilities for a session configuration. |
135 | New-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a new PowerShell session (local or remote). |
136 | New-PSSessionConfigurationFile | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a session configuration file. |
137 | New-PSSessionOption | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a new PSSessionOption object that contains advanced options for a PSSession. |
138 | New-PSTransportOption | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To create a new PSTransportOption object that contains transport-level options for a PSSession. |
139 | New-TemporaryFile | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create a new temporary file. |
140 | New-TimeSpan | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create a new TimeSpan object that represents a time interval. |
141 | New-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create a new variable. |
142 | Out-Default | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To send output to the default output cmdlet. |
143 | Out-File | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To send output to a file. |
144 | Out-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To send output to the host (console). |
145 | Out-Null | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To discard output (send it to null). |
146 | Out-String | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To convert objects into formatted strings. |
147 | Pop-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To change the current location to the location most recently pushed onto the stack by Push-Location . |
148 | Protect-CmsMessage | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To create a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) message. |
149 | Push-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To push the current location (current directory) onto the stack. |
150 | Read-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To read a line of input from the host (console). |
151 | Receive-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To receive the results of a background job. |
152 | Register-ArgumentCompleter | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To register a script block to provide tab completion for a command parameter or argument. |
153 | Register-EngineEvent | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To register an event handler for a PowerShell event. |
154 | Register-ObjectEvent | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To register an event handler for events generated by a specific object. |
155 | Register-PackageSource | PackageManagement | To register a package source for package management. |
156 | Remove-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To remove an alias (alternate name) for a command or script. |
157 | Remove-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To remove an event subscriber or event subscriber action. |
158 | Remove-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To remove an item (file, directory, etc.) from the specified location. |
159 | Remove-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To remove a property from an item. |
160 | Remove-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To remove a background job. |
161 | Remove-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To remove a module from the current session. |
162 | Remove-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To remove breakpoints set in the current session. |
163 | Remove-PSDrive | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To remove a drive (filesystem, registry, etc.) from the current session. |
164 | Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler | PSReadLine | To remove a key handler from PSReadLine. |
165 | Remove-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To remove a PowerShell session. |
166 | Remove-TypeData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To remove type data from the session. |
167 | Remove-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To remove a variable from the session. |
168 | Rename-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To rename an item (file, directory, etc.) at the specified location. |
169 | Rename-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To rename a property of an item. |
170 | Resolve-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To resolve and display the full path of a specified item. |
171 | Restart-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To restart the local computer or a remote computer. |
172 | Save-Help | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To save the help content (cmdlet, function, etc.) to a file. |
173 | Save-Package | PackageManagement | To save software packages to a specified location. |
174 | Select-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To select and manipulate objects from the pipeline. |
175 | Select-String | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To search for patterns in strings or files. |
176 | Select-Xml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To select XML content from an XML document. |
177 | Send-MailMessage | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To send email messages from within PowerShell. |
178 | Set-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create or change an alias (alternate name) for a command or script. |
179 | Set-Clipboard | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To set the contents of the clipboard. |
180 | Set-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To set the content of a file or create a new file with specified content. |
181 | Set-Date | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To set the system date and time. |
182 | Set-ExecutionPolicy | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To set the execution policy for the PowerShell environment. |
183 | Set-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To modify the value of an item's properties or create a new item. |
184 | Set-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To modify the value of a property of an item. |
185 | Set-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To change the current location (current directory). |
186 | Set-MarkdownOption | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To modify the global options for rendering Markdown content. |
187 | Set-PackageSource | PackageManagement | To modify the properties of a package source. |
188 | Set-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To set breakpoints in the current session for debugging. |
189 | Set-PSDebug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To enable or disable PowerShell script debugging. |
190 | Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler | PSReadLine | To modify or create a key handler for PSReadLine. |
191 | Set-PSReadLineOption | PSReadLine | To modify the options for the PSReadLine module. |
192 | Set-StrictMode | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To enable strict mode that enforces strict coding rules. |
193 | Set-TraceSource | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To configure the options for a specified trace source. |
194 | Set-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To create or modify a variable and its value. |
195 | Show-Markdown | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To render Markdown content in a PowerShell console or convert it to HTML or other formats. |
196 | Sort-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To sort objects by one or more properties. |
197 | Split-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To split a path into its parent path and base (leaf) name. |
198 | Start-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To start a PowerShell background job. |
199 | Start-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To start a process (application) and optionally specify its parameters. |
200 | Start-Sleep | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To pause the execution of a script or session for a specified amount of time. |
201 | Start-ThreadJob | ThreadJob | To start a PowerShell background job that runs in a separate thread. |
202 | Start-Transcript | Microsoft.PowerShell.Host | To start recording a transcript of a PowerShell session. |
203 | Stop-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To stop (shut down) a local or remote computer. |
204 | Stop-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To stop a running background job. |
205 | Stop-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To stop one or more running processes. |
206 | Stop-Transcript | Microsoft.PowerShell.Host | To stop recording a transcript of a PowerShell session. |
207 | Switch-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To switch the current session to a different process context. |
208 | Tee-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To send input objects to multiple cmdlets or save them to a file while displaying them in the console. |
209 | Test-Connection | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To test network connectivity to a remote host. |
210 | Test-Json | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To test if a string represents valid JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data. |
211 | Test-ModuleManifest | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To test if a module manifest file is valid and well-formed. |
212 | Test-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To test the existence of a path or file. |
213 | Trace-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To trace the execution of a command or script. |
214 | Unblock-File | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To unblock files that were downloaded from the internet or another computer. |
215 | Uninstall-Package | PackageManagement | To uninstall software packages from the system. |
216 | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | To decrypt a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) message. |
217 | Unregister-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To unregister an event subscriber or event subscriber action. |
218 | Unregister-PackageSource | PackageManagement | To unregister a package source from package management. |
219 | Update-FormatData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To update the formatting data for specific types in the current session. |
220 | Update-Help | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To download and install the latest help files for PowerShell modules. |
221 | Update-List | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To update the values of a variable that contains a collection. |
222 | Update-TypeData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To update the extended type data in the current session. |
223 | Wait-Debugger | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To wait for the debugger to be attached to the current session. |
224 | Wait-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To wait for an event to be raised before continuing the script execution. |
225 | Wait-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To wait for a background job to complete. |
226 | Wait-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | To wait for one or more running processes to stop before continuing the script execution. |
227 | Where-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | To filter objects from the pipeline based on specified criteria. |
228 | Write-Debug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display debug messages during script execution. |
229 | Write-Error | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display non-terminating error messages during script execution. |
230 | Write-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display output directly to the host (console). |
231 | Write-Information | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display informational messages during script execution. |
232 | Write-Output | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To send output to the pipeline. |
233 | Write-Progress | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display a progress bar during script execution. |
234 | Write-Verbose | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display verbose messages during script execution. |
235 | Write-Warning | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | To display warning messages during script execution. |
You can get this list by executing Get-Command in the Mac Terminal on PowerShell Prompt.
Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet | Select-Object DisplayName, Name, ModuleName | Format-Table
Facing issues? Have Questions? Post them here! I am happy to answer!
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