List of PowerShell Cmdlet Commands for Mac

Below is the list of all Cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets") Commands in PowerShell for Mac with a sort description.

1Add-ContentMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo append content to the specified item.
2Add-HistoryMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo add entries to the command history.
3Add-MemberMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo add a member (property or method) to an object.
4Add-TypeMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo dynamically compile and add a .NET type to the current session.
5Clear-ContentMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo clear the content of an item.
6Clear-HistoryMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo clear the command history.
7Clear-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo clear the content of an item at the specified path.
8Clear-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo remove the properties of an item at the specified location.
9Clear-VariableMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo clear the value of a variable.
10Compare-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo compare two sets of objects and indicate their differences.
11Convert-PathMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo convert a path from a provider-specific format to a PowerShell path.
12ConvertFrom-CsvMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert CSV string input into objects.
13ConvertFrom-JsonMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert a JSON-formatted string into objects.
14ConvertFrom-MarkdownMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert a Markdown-formatted string into HTML or rich text format.
15ConvertFrom-SecureStringMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo convert a secure string (encrypted password) into an encrypted standard string.
16ConvertFrom-StringDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert a string containing key-value pairs into a hash table.
17ConvertTo-CsvMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format.
18ConvertTo-HtmlMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into HTML format.
19ConvertTo-JsonMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.
20ConvertTo-SecureStringMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo convert an encrypted standard string into a secure string (encrypted password).
21ConvertTo-XmlMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into XML (Extensible Markup Language) format.
22Copy-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo copy an item from one location to another.
23Copy-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo copy properties from one item to another.
24Debug-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo debug a background job.
25Debug-ProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo attach a debugger to a running process.
26Debug-RunspaceMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo debug a runspace.
27Disable-ExperimentalFeatureMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo disable an experimental feature in PowerShell.
28Disable-PSBreakpointMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo disable breakpoints in the current session.
29Disable-RunspaceDebugMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo disable debugging for a runspace.
30Enable-ExperimentalFeatureMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo enable an experimental feature in PowerShell.
31Enable-PSBreakpointMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo enable breakpoints in the current session.
32Enable-RunspaceDebugMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo enable debugging for a runspace.
33Enter-PSHostProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo enter a running process in the current session.
34Enter-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo start an interactive session with a remote computer.
35Exit-PSHostProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo exit a running process in the current session.
36Exit-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo end an interactive session with a remote computer.
37Export-AliasMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo export currently defined aliases to a file.
38Export-ClixmlMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into a XML-based representation (CLI XML) and save it to a file.
39Export-CsvMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format and save it to a file.
40Export-FormatDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo export formatting data from the current session.
41Export-ModuleMemberMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo export specific module members from a module.
42Export-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo export commands, functions, aliases, and variables from a PSSession to the local computer.
43Find-PackagePackageManagementTo find and discover software packages from package sources.
44Find-PackageProviderPackageManagementTo find and install package providers for the PackageManagement module.
45ForEach-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo perform an operation on each item in a collection of input objects.
46Format-CustomMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo control the display of objects by specifying formatting instructions.
47Format-HexMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert input into a hexadecimal representation.
48Format-ListMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo format output as a list of properties in a table-like format.
49Format-TableMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo format output as a table with labeled columns.
50Format-WideMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo format output as a wide table with one property per line.
51Get-AliasMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the currently defined aliases.
52Get-ChildItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the items and child items in a specified location.
53Get-ClipboardMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the content of the clipboard.
54Get-CmsMessageMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo get the properties of a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) message.
55Get-CommandMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get information about cmdlets, functions, scripts, and other executable code.
56Get-ContentMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the content of an item at the specified location.
57Get-CredentialMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo get a credential object for a specified user name and password.
58Get-CultureMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the current culture settings of the system.
59Get-DateMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the current date and time.
60Get-ErrorMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the most recent error that occurred in the session.
61Get-EventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the events in the event queue.
62Get-EventSubscriberMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the event subscribers in the current session.
63Get-ExecutionPolicyMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo get the execution policy for the current session.
64Get-ExperimentalFeatureMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get the experimental features that are enabled in PowerShell.
65Get-FileHashMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo compute the hash value for a file.
66Get-FormatDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get formatting data in the current session.
67Get-HelpMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get help information about PowerShell concepts, commands, and modules.
68Get-HistoryMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get the command history.
69Get-HostMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the host object for the current session.
70Get-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the item at the specified location.
71Get-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the properties of an item at the specified location.
72Get-ItemPropertyValueMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the value of a specified property from an item.
73Get-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get the background jobs in the current session.
74Get-LocationMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the current location (current directory) in the session.
75Get-MarkdownOptionMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the current configuration options for the ConvertFrom-Markdown cmdlet.
76Get-MemberMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the members (properties and methods) of an object.
77Get-ModuleMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get the loaded modules in the current session.
78Get-PackagePackageManagementTo get software packages from a package source.
79Get-PackageProviderPackageManagementTo get the available package providers for PowerShell.
80Get-PackageSourcePackageManagementTo get the package sources registered in PowerShell.
81Get-PfxCertificateMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo get certificates from a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) file.
82Get-ProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the processes running on a local or remote computer.
83Get-PSBreakpointMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the breakpoints set in the current session.
84Get-PSCallStackMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the current call stack trace in the session.
85Get-PSDriveMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the drives (filesystem, registry, etc.) available in the current session.
86Get-PSHostProcessInfoMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get information about the processes started by Enter-PSHostProcess in the current session.
87Get-PSProviderMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the providers (filesystem, registry, etc.) available in the current session.
88Get-PSReadLineKeyHandlerPSReadLineTo get the currently defined key handlers in PSReadLine.
89Get-PSReadLineOptionPSReadLineTo get the current options for PSReadLine, the command-line editing experience in PowerShell.
90Get-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo get the active PowerShell sessions (remote or local).
91Get-RandomMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo generate a random number.
92Get-RunspaceMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the currently active runspaces.
93Get-RunspaceDebugMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get debugging information for a runspace.
94Get-TimeZoneMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo get the current time zone or a list of available time zones.
95Get-TraceSourceMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the trace source objects for diagnostic tracing.
96Get-TypeDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the type data defined in the session.
97Get-UICultureMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the current user interface (UI) culture settings.
98Get-UniqueMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the unique items from a collection of objects.
99Get-UptimeMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the system uptime.
100Get-VariableMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the variables in the current scope.
101Get-VerbMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo get the approved verbs for cmdlet and function names.
102Group-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo group objects based on one or more properties.
103Import-AliasMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo import aliases from a file.
104Import-ClixmlMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo import objects from an XML-based representation (CLI XML) stored in a file.
105Import-CsvMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo import CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data into objects.
106Import-LocalizedDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo import a module's localized data.
107Import-ModuleMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo import a module into the current session.
108Import-PackageProviderPackageManagementTo import a package provider into PowerShell.
109Import-PowerShellDataFileMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo import data from a PowerShell-specific data file.
110Import-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo import commands, functions, aliases, and variables from a PSSession to the local session.
111Install-PackagePackageManagementTo install software packages from package sources.
112Install-PackageProviderPackageManagementTo install a package provider for PowerShell.
113Invoke-CommandMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo run commands on local and remote computers.
114Invoke-ExpressionMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo evaluate and execute PowerShell code or expressions.
115Invoke-HistoryMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo invoke commands from the command history.
116Invoke-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo invoke (open) a file or launch an application.
117Invoke-RestMethodMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo send HTTP and HTTPS requests to a RESTful web service and return the response.
118Invoke-WebRequestMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo send HTTP and HTTPS requests and receive the response.
119Join-PathMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo combine multiple strings into a single path.
120Join-StringMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo join strings into a single string using a delimiter.
121Measure-CommandMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo measure the execution time of a script block or cmdlet.
122Measure-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo measure various properties of an object, such as count, length, or average.
123Move-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo move an item from one location to another.
124Move-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo move a property from one item to another.
125New-AliasMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create a new alias (alternate name) for a command or script.
126New-EventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create a custom event.
127New-GuidMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo generate a new GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).
128New-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo create a new item (file, directory, etc.) at the specified location.
129New-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo create or modify a property of an item.
130New-ModuleMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a new dynamic module in memory.
131New-ModuleManifestMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a module manifest (module manifest file).
132New-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create a new instance of a .NET object or a custom object.
133New-PSDriveMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo create a new drive (filesystem, registry, etc.) in the current session.
134New-PSRoleCapabilityFileMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a session configuration file that defines the role capabilities for a session configuration.
135New-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a new PowerShell session (local or remote).
136New-PSSessionConfigurationFileMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a session configuration file.
137New-PSSessionOptionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a new PSSessionOption object that contains advanced options for a PSSession.
138New-PSTransportOptionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo create a new PSTransportOption object that contains transport-level options for a PSSession.
139New-TemporaryFileMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create a new temporary file.
140New-TimeSpanMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create a new TimeSpan object that represents a time interval.
141New-VariableMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create a new variable.
142Out-DefaultMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo send output to the default output cmdlet.
143Out-FileMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo send output to a file.
144Out-HostMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo send output to the host (console).
145Out-NullMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo discard output (send it to null).
146Out-StringMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo convert objects into formatted strings.
147Pop-LocationMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo change the current location to the location most recently pushed onto the stack by Push-Location.
148Protect-CmsMessageMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo create a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) message.
149Push-LocationMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo push the current location (current directory) onto the stack.
150Read-HostMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo read a line of input from the host (console).
151Receive-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo receive the results of a background job.
152Register-ArgumentCompleterMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo register a script block to provide tab completion for a command parameter or argument.
153Register-EngineEventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo register an event handler for a PowerShell event.
154Register-ObjectEventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo register an event handler for events generated by a specific object.
155Register-PackageSourcePackageManagementTo register a package source for package management.
156Remove-AliasMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo remove an alias (alternate name) for a command or script.
157Remove-EventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo remove an event subscriber or event subscriber action.
158Remove-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo remove an item (file, directory, etc.) from the specified location.
159Remove-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo remove a property from an item.
160Remove-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo remove a background job.
161Remove-ModuleMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo remove a module from the current session.
162Remove-PSBreakpointMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo remove breakpoints set in the current session.
163Remove-PSDriveMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo remove a drive (filesystem, registry, etc.) from the current session.
164Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandlerPSReadLineTo remove a key handler from PSReadLine.
165Remove-PSSessionMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo remove a PowerShell session.
166Remove-TypeDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo remove type data from the session.
167Remove-VariableMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo remove a variable from the session.
168Rename-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo rename an item (file, directory, etc.) at the specified location.
169Rename-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo rename a property of an item.
170Resolve-PathMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo resolve and display the full path of a specified item.
171Restart-ComputerMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo restart the local computer or a remote computer.
172Save-HelpMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo save the help content (cmdlet, function, etc.) to a file.
173Save-PackagePackageManagementTo save software packages to a specified location.
174Select-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo select and manipulate objects from the pipeline.
175Select-StringMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo search for patterns in strings or files.
176Select-XmlMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo select XML content from an XML document.
177Send-MailMessageMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo send email messages from within PowerShell.
178Set-AliasMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create or change an alias (alternate name) for a command or script.
179Set-ClipboardMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo set the contents of the clipboard.
180Set-ContentMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo set the content of a file or create a new file with specified content.
181Set-DateMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo set the system date and time.
182Set-ExecutionPolicyMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo set the execution policy for the PowerShell environment.
183Set-ItemMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo modify the value of an item's properties or create a new item.
184Set-ItemPropertyMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo modify the value of a property of an item.
185Set-LocationMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo change the current location (current directory).
186Set-MarkdownOptionMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo modify the global options for rendering Markdown content.
187Set-PackageSourcePackageManagementTo modify the properties of a package source.
188Set-PSBreakpointMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo set breakpoints in the current session for debugging.
189Set-PSDebugMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo enable or disable PowerShell script debugging.
190Set-PSReadLineKeyHandlerPSReadLineTo modify or create a key handler for PSReadLine.
191Set-PSReadLineOptionPSReadLineTo modify the options for the PSReadLine module.
192Set-StrictModeMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo enable strict mode that enforces strict coding rules.
193Set-TraceSourceMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo configure the options for a specified trace source.
194Set-VariableMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo create or modify a variable and its value.
195Show-MarkdownMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo render Markdown content in a PowerShell console or convert it to HTML or other formats.
196Sort-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo sort objects by one or more properties.
197Split-PathMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo split a path into its parent path and base (leaf) name.
198Start-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo start a PowerShell background job.
199Start-ProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo start a process (application) and optionally specify its parameters.
200Start-SleepMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo pause the execution of a script or session for a specified amount of time.
201Start-ThreadJobThreadJobTo start a PowerShell background job that runs in a separate thread.
202Start-TranscriptMicrosoft.PowerShell.HostTo start recording a transcript of a PowerShell session.
203Stop-ComputerMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo stop (shut down) a local or remote computer.
204Stop-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo stop a running background job.
205Stop-ProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo stop one or more running processes.
206Stop-TranscriptMicrosoft.PowerShell.HostTo stop recording a transcript of a PowerShell session.
207Switch-ProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo switch the current session to a different process context.
208Tee-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo send input objects to multiple cmdlets or save them to a file while displaying them in the console.
209Test-ConnectionMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo test network connectivity to a remote host.
210Test-JsonMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo test if a string represents valid JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.
211Test-ModuleManifestMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo test if a module manifest file is valid and well-formed.
212Test-PathMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo test the existence of a path or file.
213Trace-CommandMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo trace the execution of a command or script.
214Unblock-FileMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo unblock files that were downloaded from the internet or another computer.
215Uninstall-PackagePackageManagementTo uninstall software packages from the system.
216Unprotect-CmsMessageMicrosoft.PowerShell.SecurityTo decrypt a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) message.
217Unregister-EventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo unregister an event subscriber or event subscriber action.
218Unregister-PackageSourcePackageManagementTo unregister a package source from package management.
219Update-FormatDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo update the formatting data for specific types in the current session.
220Update-HelpMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo download and install the latest help files for PowerShell modules.
221Update-ListMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo update the values of a variable that contains a collection.
222Update-TypeDataMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo update the extended type data in the current session.
223Wait-DebuggerMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo wait for the debugger to be attached to the current session.
224Wait-EventMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo wait for an event to be raised before continuing the script execution.
225Wait-JobMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo wait for a background job to complete.
226Wait-ProcessMicrosoft.PowerShell.ManagementTo wait for one or more running processes to stop before continuing the script execution.
227Where-ObjectMicrosoft.PowerShell.CoreTo filter objects from the pipeline based on specified criteria.
228Write-DebugMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display debug messages during script execution.
229Write-ErrorMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display non-terminating error messages during script execution.
230Write-HostMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display output directly to the host (console).
231Write-InformationMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display informational messages during script execution.
232Write-OutputMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo send output to the pipeline.
233Write-ProgressMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display a progress bar during script execution.
234Write-VerboseMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display verbose messages during script execution.
235Write-WarningMicrosoft.PowerShell.UtilityTo display warning messages during script execution.

You can get this list by executing Get-Command in the Mac Terminal on PowerShell Prompt.

Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet | Select-Object DisplayName, Name, ModuleName | Format-Table

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Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has a Masters Degree in Computer Science with over 15+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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