iOS 14 Volume Turned Down: Based on your headphone usage over the last seven days

iOS volume turned down.PNG
iOS volume turned down notification

Volume Turned Down
Based on your headphone usage over the last seven days, the volume has been turned down to protect your hearing.

I received this Notification on my iPhone running iOS 14, when I was listening to some music on my phone, suddenly the volume went down, just the way when you get a notification aleart! When I checked I saw the above message! And the volume really was decreased, this is a good feature! So I looked into the setting to see the what are the configurations and I could find this,

How to enable Headphone Safety in iOS 14

  1. Go to Settings -> Sounds
  2. Now tab on Headphone Audio -> Headphone Safety -> Enable Headphone Notification.
  3. You can select how much you can reduce sound decibales to trigger an alert.

You will be notified if you have been listening to load headphone audio for a long time that can affect your hearing.

⚑️ In certain regions this is on by default and you cannot turn it off due to the safety and regulations of the region.

7-Day Limit Notifiation

This is based on WHO sound exposure limits for safely, the device will measure audio for seven days and based on the combination of loudness of sound over time the volume will be adjusted and notified.

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