MySQL Workbench could not detect any MySQL server running. This means that MySQL is not installed or is not running.

If you have installed MySQL Workbench on your device (Windows/Mac) and you see the message "could not detect any MySQL server running" that means that the MySQL Server is not running or it has not been installed.

MySQL Workbench could not detect any MySQL server running. This means that MySQL is not installed or is not running

Case 1: If MySQL Server is not installeded

    First thing you can do is try to run the MySQL command in the Terminal and check if it is installed on your device.

    on macOS

    % mysql --version
    zsh: command not found: mysql

    If MySQL is not installed, then you can get it installed using the homebrew package manager.

    Starting MySQL Database using XAMPP

    As you can see, I have started the MySQL Database.

    brew install mysql

    on Windows

    You can run the same command and check if MySQL is installed on your Command Prompt.

    C:\ mysql --version

    You should also check under C:\Program Files to see you can find MySQL

It can also be the case that MySQL is been installed but the PATH is not set.

Case 2: MySQL Server not running

    MySQL Workbench is a client for MySQL and not a server, hence you should have a server already installed and started to use it.

    In my case, I have XAMPP installed, which has a bundled MySQL server, let me start it.

    Now let me do a rescan.

    Rescan for Local MySQL Servers - One Server Found Localhost 3306

    As you may see in the above screenshot, the rescan found 1 server which is running on Localhost port 3306 with user root.

Facing issues? Have Questions? Post them here! I am happy to answer!

Author Info:

Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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