% aws sso login
Missing the following required SSO configuration values: sso_start_url, sso_region.
To make sure this profile is properly configured to use SSO, please run: aws configure sso
Before running the AWS SSO Login command on the AWS CLI, you need to make sure that the profile is properly configured to use SSO. As you can see in the error, we are asked to run the aws configure sso command, so let's do that
% aws configure sso
SSO session name (Recommended): code2care
SSO start URL [None]: https://sso-code2care.org/aws
SSO region [None]: us-east-1
SSO registration scopes [sso:account:access]: sso:account:access
Using a browser, open the following URL:
and enter the following code: ACVX-2E12
There are 2 AWS accounts available to you.
> DeveloperAccount, developer-account-admin@code2care.org (123516729123)
ProductionAccount, production-account-admin@code2care.org (123516729124)
Using the account ID 123516729123
There are 2 roles available to you.
> ReadOnly
Using the role name "FullAccess"
CLI default client Region [None]: us-east-1
CLI default output format [None]: json
CLI profile name [123516729123_FullAccess]: dev-profile
Facing issues? Have Questions? Post them here! I am happy to answer!
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