Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram down in many regions - UK, Europe, Australia
Users across the world are reporting problems accessing social networking websites Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram. Twitter is full with #FacebookDown
Steps to Integrate Latest Facebook SDK with your Android Application
How to integrate Facebook SDK with your Android Application.
Is Facebook is down? Is it just for me?
Ways you can check if Facebook is down for everyone, or just you!
Facebook Thanks for stopping by! We hope to see you again soon.
Facebook shows a message when you logout from the website - Thanks for stopping by! We hope to see you again soon.
How to stop disable Facebook video autoplay during scroll
Facebook videos play automatically when you scroll. Learn how to turn off (stop, disable) this feature from Google Android and Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Desktop browsers.
How to turn off Facebook autoplay videos on timeline
How to turn off Facebook autoplay videos on the timeline.
Facebook Graph API Unavailable
Facebook Graph API is temporarily unavailable. We are working with our core infrastructure teams to identify the issue.
Facebook | Error : Sorry, something went wrong We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can
Facebook | Error : Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on it and we will get it fixed as soon as we can. Its Facebook getting updated for the dislike button?
Facebook : Warning: Request without access token missing application ID or client token
Resolving Warning: Request without access token missing application ID or client token Facebook Android SDK
Facebook Down Will Be Back Soon
Facebook Will Be Back Soon message displayed while trying to login on fb website 27th March 2015 UTC.
Share Story Feed on Facebook using URL
Here is how you can share story feeds on Facebook wall of user by url, all you need to have is app_id.