In this article, we will take a deep look into the getClass() Java method.
1. Where is the getClass() method located?
The getClass() method is located in the java.lang package and in class.
2. Is getClass() a native method?
Yes, getClass() is a native method in java.lang.Object class.
3. What is the return type of getClass() method?
The return type is Class (java.lang.Class).
4. Is getClass() method final?
5. Does getClass take any parameters?
6. Does getClass throw any exceptions?
7. Syntax of getClass() method
public final native Class<?> getClass();
The getClass() method can be noted as a native method with a final and public access modifier. The return type of this method is of the Class.
8. What is getClass() method used for?
The java.lang package's Object class defines 11 standard methods, one of which is the getClass() method.
getClass method returns the runtime class of an Object in Java.
9. Changes over Java Versions
Open JDK Version | getClass method implimentation |
Java 8 | No change in the method declaration since Java 1.0 to Java 8 |
Java 11 | method annotated with @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate |
Java 17 | method annotated with @IntrinsicCandidate |
10. Usage of getClass method
- To determine the runtime class of an object in Java
- To determine the type of an runtime object.
- Using java.lang.Class to make use of reflection.
- Used in load classes into the Java Virtual Machine
To understand this method better, let us create an Employee class.
11. Examples
Example 1:
package org.example;
public class Employee {
private int employeeId;
private String employeeDateOfBirth;
private String employeeName;
private String employeeGender;
private String employeeDepartment;
public Employee(int empId, String empDateOfBirth, String empName, String empGender, String empDepartment) {
this.employeeId = empId;
this.employeeDateOfBirth = empDateOfBirth;
this.employeeName = empName;
this.employeeGender = empGender;
this.employeeDepartment = empDepartment;
public int getEmployeeId() {
return employeeId;
public void setEmployeeId(int employeeId) {
this.employeeId = employeeId;
public String getEmployeeDateOfBirth() {
return employeeDateOfBirth;
public void setEmployeeDateOfBirth(String employeeDateOfBirth) {
this.employeeDateOfBirth = employeeDateOfBirth;
public String getEmployeeName() {
return employeeName;
public void setEmployeeName(String employeeName) {
this.employeeName = employeeName;
public String getEmployeeGender() {
return employeeGender;
public void setEmployeeGender(String employeeGender) {
this.employeeGender = employeeGender;
public String getEmployeeDepartment() {
return employeeDepartment;
public void setEmployeeDepartment(String employeeDepartment) {
this.employeeDepartment = employeeDepartment;
public String toString() {
return this.getClass() + " {" +
"employeeId=" + employeeId +
", employeeDateOfBirth='" + employeeDateOfBirth + '\'' +
", employeeName='" + employeeName + '\'' +
", employeeGender='" + employeeGender + '\'' +
", employeeDepartment='" + employeeDepartment + '\'' +
package org.example;
public class Employee {
private int employeeId;
private String employeeDateOfBirth;
private String employeeName;
private String employeeGender;
private String employeeDepartment;
public Employee(int empId, String empDateOfBirth, String empName, String empGender, String empDepartment) {
this.employeeId = empId;
this.employeeDateOfBirth = empDateOfBirth;
this.employeeName = empName;
this.employeeGender = empGender;
this.employeeDepartment = empDepartment;
public int getEmployeeId() {
return employeeId;
public void setEmployeeId(int employeeId) {
this.employeeId = employeeId;
public String getEmployeeDateOfBirth() {
return employeeDateOfBirth;
public void setEmployeeDateOfBirth(String employeeDateOfBirth) {
this.employeeDateOfBirth = employeeDateOfBirth;
public String getEmployeeName() {
return employeeName;
public void setEmployeeName(String employeeName) {
this.employeeName = employeeName;
public String getEmployeeGender() {
return employeeGender;
public void setEmployeeGender(String employeeGender) {
this.employeeGender = employeeGender;
public String getEmployeeDepartment() {
return employeeDepartment;
public void setEmployeeDepartment(String employeeDepartment) {
this.employeeDepartment = employeeDepartment;
public String toString() {
return this.getClass() + " {" +
"employeeId=" + employeeId +
", employeeDateOfBirth='" + employeeDateOfBirth + '\'' +
", employeeName='" + employeeName + '\'' +
", employeeGender='" + employeeGender + '\'' +
", employeeDepartment='" + employeeDepartment + '\'' +
As you may see in the toString() method I have used this.getClass() instead of hard-coding the class name.
EmpClient.javapackage org.example;
public class EmpClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee employeeSam = new Employee(1,"1990-02-13","male","Sam","IT");
class org.example.Employee
{employeeId=1, employeeDateOfBirth='1990-02-13', employeeName='male', employeeGender='Sam', employeeDepartment='IT'}
As you can see the getClass() method will return the class name of the current runtime object
Note: The Class object returned is the object that is locked by the static synchronized methods of the represented class.
Example 2:
String name = "Sam";
class java.lang.String
Example 3:
List list1 = new ArrayList();
class java.util.ArrayList
class java.lang.String
Example 4:
Object myObject = new Object();
class java.lang.Object
Example 5:
Class whatClass = "Sam".getClass();
class java.lang.String
Example 6:
package org.example;
public class EnumExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
class org.example.EnumExample$E
12. getClass alternative for primitives
You will get comiplation error when you try to make use of getClass method with primitives.
Compilation Error:int myInt = 20;
Class whatClass = myInt.getClass() //Compilation Error
Make use of the .class syntax to return the Class corresponding to primitives.
int myInt = 20;
Class myClass = int.class;
13. Where is getClass used in Java core library
You do not need to look for the usage of getClass in any other class, you can find its usage with the Object class itself. Take a look at the toString() method implementation.
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
14. Reflection example with getClass
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee employee = new Employee(1,"1995-01-01","Mike","Male","Finance");
Class empClass = employee.getClass();
Method[] methods = empClass.getMethods();
for(Method method: methods)
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