addSuppression() and getSuppression() are the two new methods that were introduced in Java 7 as a part of the java.lang.Throwable the parent class for exception handing.
You can use the addSuppressed method in situations where there are multiple exceptions that are occurring during the execution of a single try block, and you want to associate all the exceptions with a primary exception that caused the block to fail.
Parameters: exception - the exception to be added to the list of suppressed exceptions
IllegalArgumentException - if exception is this throwable; a throwable cannot suppress itself.
NullPointerException - if exception is null
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class AddSuppressedExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
AddSuppressedExample addSuppressedExample = new AddSuppressedExample();
public void someMethod() throws IOException {
IOException primaryException = null;
try {
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("data.csv");
} catch (IOException exception) {
primaryException = new IOException("Error occurred while reading data.csv");
try {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/prodDb", "prod", "123456");
throw new IOException("IOException occurred while connecting to Database!");
} catch (IOException exception) {
if (primaryException == null) {
primaryException = new IOException("An error occurred while establishing database connection");
} catch (SQLException exception) {
if (primaryException == null) {
primaryException = new IOException("An error occurred while executing database query");
if (primaryException != null) {
throw primaryException;
As you can see in the above example, we have a method someMethod() that can throw an IOException. The method has two try blocks that can throw exceptions - one that can throw IOException and the other that can throw SQLException.
With the help of addSuppressed() we are able to handle both exceptions and throw a single primary exception that represents the main error.
- getSuppressed method returns an array of all suppressed exceptions.
- If no exceptions were suppressed or suppression is disabled, an empty array is returned.
- getSupressed method is thread-safe, so it can be called from multiple threads concurrently without causing any issues.
Returns: an array containing all of the exceptions that were suppressed to deliver this exception.
Exception[] suppressedExceptions = primaryException.getSuppressed();
System.out.println("Suppressed exceptions List:");
for (Exception ex : suppressedExceptions) {
In situations where multiple exceptions can occur in a single try block, it can be challenging to handle and track all the exceptions. In such cases, the addSuppressed() method allows you to associate all the exceptions with a primary exception that caused the block to fail. Thus helping to capture and communicate all the exceptions that occurred in a single catch block.
getSuppressed() method complements the addSuppressed() method by providing a way to retrieve all suppressed exceptions that are associated with a primary exception. You can use this method for logging, debugging, or providing more detailed error messages to users.
- Throwable getSuppressed():
- Throwable addSuppressed():
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