Calculate Volume of Ellipsoid

A Ellipsoid has 3 radii, so you need to ask the user to input these 3 radii and store in int variables r1,r2, and r3. PI value is needed to calculate the volume of Ellipsoid.

Variables :
1. r1 : (Datatype int): to represent the radius 1 of Ellipsoid.
2. r2 : (Datatype int): to represent the radius 2 of Ellipsoid.
3. r3 : (Datatype int): to represent the radius 3 of Ellipsoid.
4. PI : (Datatype float): static variable to represent constant PI value up to 3 decimal places i.e 3.142
5. volume_of_ellipsoid : (Datatype float): to store volume of Ellipsoid calculated.
Formula :

Volume of a Ellipsoid : (4/3) x ? x radius1 x radius2 x radius3

 * 1000+ C programs + tutorials
 * 15_calculate_volume_of_ellipsoid.c
 *  Created on: Oct 20, 2014
 *  Author:

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <conio.h>

void main() {

    int r1,r2,r3;
    float volume_of_ellipsoid;
    float PI = 3.142;

//	clrscr();

	printf(" Program to calculate Volume of an Ellipsoid :  ");

	printf("\n\n Enter the Radius 1 of Ellipsoid : ");
	scanf("%d", &r1);
    printf("\n\n Enter the Radius 2 of Ellipsoid : ");
	scanf("%d", &r2);
    printf("\n\n Enter the Radius 3 of Ellipsoid : ");
	scanf("%d", &r3);
    volume_of_ellipsoid = (4/3)*(PI*r1*r2*r3);

	printf("\n\n Volume of Ellipsoid with (r1,r2,r3) as (%d,%d,%d) = %f",r1,r2,r3,volume_of_ellipsoid);

//	getch();


Program to calculate Volume of an Ellipsoid :
Enter the Radius 1 of Ellipsoid: 2
Enter the Radius 2 of Ellipsoid: 4
Enter the Radius 3 of Ellipsoid: 6
Volume of Ellipsoid with (r1,r2,r3) as (2,4,6) = 150.815994

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Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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