To calculate area of Parallelogram, you need to know the height and breadth of a Parallelogram. You can ask user to enter height and breadth and calculate the area.
Variables:1. height: (Datatype int): to represent the height of the Parallelogram.
2. breadth: (Datatype int): to represent the breadth of Parallelogram.
3. area: (Datatype long): to store the result of the area of the Parallelogram being computed.
Functions:printf(): is used to display something on the console/screen. Format specifier %d in printf function is used to display an int variable on-screen and %ld for long. \n is used to add a new line
scanf(): is used to fetch data inputted by the user on the console/screen using the keyboard. %d in scanf is indicated that inputted text is of type int and %ld for long
Formula:Area of Parallelogram: height x breadth
* 1000+ C programs + tutorials
* 7_calculate_area_of_parallelogram.c
* Created on: Oct 20, 2014
* Author:
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <conio.h>
void main() {
int height;
int breadth;
long area;
// clrscr();
printf(" Program to calculate Area of a Parallelogram : \n\n");
printf(" Enter the Length of a Parallelogram : ");
scanf("%d", &height);
printf("\n\n Enter the Breadth of a Parallelogram : ");
scanf("%d", &breadth);
area = height*breadth;
printf("\n\n Area of Parallelogram with Height as %d and Breadth as %d = %ld \n\n",height,breadth,area);
// getch();
Program to calculate Area and Circumference of Circle :
Enter the radius of Circle : 5
Area of circle with radius 5 = 78.550003
Circumference of circle with radius 5 = 31.420000
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