Calculate Area of ellipse

To calculate the area of ellipse you need to know the radius 1 and radius 2 of the ellipse.


1. r1 : (Datatype int): to represent the radius 1 of the ellipse.

2. r2 : (Datatype int): to represent the radius 2 of the ellipse.

3. PI : (Datatype float): static variable to represent constant PI value up to 3 decimal places i.e 3.142

5. area_of_ellipse : (Datatype long): to store area of ellipse calculated.


Volume of Ellipse : π x r1 x r2

 * 1000+ C programs + tutorials
 * 11_calculate_area_of_ellipse.c
 *  Created on: Oct 20, 2014
 *  Author:

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <conio.h>

void main() {

    int r1,r2;
    float PI = 3.142;
	long area_of_ellipse;

//	clrscr();

	printf(" Program to calculate Area of a Ellipse :  \n\n");

	printf(" Enter Radius1 of Ellipse : ");
	scanf("%d", &r1);
    printf("\n\n Enter Radius2 of Ellipse : ");
	scanf("%d", &r2);
	area_of_ellipse = PI*r1*r2;

	printf("\n\n Area of Ellipse with radius1 as %d and radius2 as %d = %ld",r1,r2,area_of_ellipse);

//	getch();

Program to calculate Area of an Ellipse :
Enter Radius1 of Ellipse: 40
Enter Radius2 of Ellipse: 50
Area of Ellipse with radius1 as 40 and radius2 as 50 = 6284

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