Create assets folder in Android Studio

IntelliJ Android Studio IDE is much different than Eclipse ADT, so much to learn and unlearn. You may have noticed that there is no assets folder that you would usually find under the project while working with eclipse ADT, in Android Studio you got to create it, let's see how it has to be done,

  1. Navigate to Packages,
  2. Click on Package
    Click on Package
  3. You would see app as the root folder, right click on it and select : New -> Folder -> Assets Folder,
  4. Click on New folder assets folder
    Click on New folder assets folder
  5. You would get a Dialog: Create a source root for assets that will be included in APK. Target Source Set : main
  6. Create a source root for assets which will be included in APK
    Create a source root for assets which will be included in APK
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Now move back to Android Project view, you should be able to see the assets folder now
assets folder added
assets folder added

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