Android : IOException: Unable to open sync connection!

AndroidApp] ------------------------------
AndroidApp] Android Launch!
AndroidApp] adb is running normally.
AndroidApp] Performing com.mycompany.AndroidApp.MyActivity activity launch
AndroidApp] Automatic Target Mode: using device 'AXX201049299'
AndroidApp] Uploading AndroidApp.apk onto device 'AXX201049299'
AndroidApp] Failed to upload AndroidApp.apk on device 'AXX201049299'
AndroidApp] Unable to open sync connection!
AndroidApp] Launch canceled!

I got the above error message in Android ADT Console while trying to debug an Android Project, though the App got installed on the device properly and worked fine normally, but IOException: Unable to open sync connection! message while trying to debug.

Solution :
  1. Unplug the USB cord connection.
  2. Restart Eclipse ADT/IntelliJ Android Studio IDE.
  3. Kill adb process from Task Manager/Activity Monitor.
  4. Run Eclipse.
  5. Reconnect your device and try again.

If the above steps don't solve your problem, check the "USB Debugging" Developer option on your device by going to Settings ( Settings → Applications -> Development → USB debugging). Just Uncheck the option and re-check it. You may also try changing the USB port, or trying to work with some other USB cord.

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