Top 3 Awesome Text Editors developers prefer at workplace

Developers simply can't work without a good text-editor, sometimes it becomes really hard to work on a huge file in IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans or IntelliJ (build process do make editing text slow). Though every Operating system is shipped with text editors (notepad on Windows and EditText on Mac OS X) but they are not sophisticated enough for a developer to work with, we will just list the best of the best 3 most popular text editors among developers at workplaces.

1. Notepad++

It is the most popular text editors available. Its available for free (even the source code) released under GPL. Some of the features it supports are,

Syntax highlighting
Syntax Folding
Document Map
Working with Multiple files (multi-tabs)
Macro recording and playback
and lots more thanks to various plugins that are available...
One biggest drawback is that it works only on Windows OS, not on Mac OS X or any other Unix Flavours.
Official website:
2. Sublime Text:

This is undoubtable one of the most widely used Text Editors by programmers when working on Mac OS X operating systems. Sublime Text is a very sophisticated text editor with features like,

Syntax highlighting
Syntax Folding
Document Map
Multi-tab windows
Command Palette
Distraction Free Mode
Split Editing
Instant Project Switch
Plugin API

⚡️ Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however, a license must be purchased for continued use.

Official Website:

3. Vim :

Yet another choice for most of the developers. Its license is under GPL, it is a very advanced editor with the power of Vi (improved version of Vi editor we find on Unix). Vim 7 is the latest edition available, some of the features,

 It's highly Configurable.
Macro recording
Syntax highlighting

Official Website:

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