Program 10: Modulo of Two Numbers - 1000+ Python Programs

Question 10) 

10.1) Write a program in Python to find the modulo of two numbers. 
10.2) Python program to find the 10%2 (modulus)
10.3) Write a program to find the modulus of two numbers by taking user input using Python Programming.

What is modulo operation?

    The modulo operation in mathematics also known as "modulus" or "mod," is used to find the remainder that results when one number is divided by another.

    % is the sign used to represent the modulo operator in mathematics as well as in Python Programming.

    Modulo operator takes two operands:

    • The Dividend - The number being divided.
    • The Divisor - The number that the dividend is being divided by

    The result of the modulo operation is the remainder left over after dividing the dividend by the divisor.

Examples of modulo operation

    Example 1: Let us perform the operation 13 % 3

    The result is 1 because 13 divided by 3 will be 4 with a reminder of 1 as shown in the below working.

    Modulo calculation Example

    Example 2: Let us perform the operation 12 % 4

    The result is 0 because 12 divided by 4 will be 3 with a reminder of 0 as 4 is completely divisible by 4, see the below working.

    Modulo division exmaple 2

Program 1: Write a program in Python to find the modulo of two numbers

Example 1:
Modulo Python Program
Date: 21-02-2023

# Let's select a divisor as int number 3
divisor = 3

# Let's select a dividend as int number 13
dividend = 13

#Calculate mod
mod = dividend % divisor

print(f"{dividend} % {divisor} = {mod}")

13 % 3 = 1

Example 2:
Modulo Python Program
Date: 21-02-2023

divisor = 2
dividend = 10

mod = dividend % divisor

print(f"{dividend} % {divisor} = {mod}")

10 % 2 = 0

Write a program to find the modulus of two numbers by taking user input using Python Programming.

Example 3: User input
Modulo Python Program
Date: 21-02-2023

# Input the first number i.e divisor
divisor = int(input("Enter the divisor number: "))

# Input the second number i.e divisor
dividend = int(input("Enter the dividend number: "))

# Calculate the modulo using the % operator
mod = dividend % divisor

# Print the result to the console
print("The modulo of", dividend, "%", divisor, "is", mod)

Enter the divisor number: 4
Enter the dividend number: 17
The modulo of 17 % 4 is 1

Python Modulo Program Code and result

We have made use of the following Python functions:

  1. print(): Built-in function to print a string on the console with f-strings formatting.
  2. input(): Built-in function to accept user input



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Rakesh (He/Him) has over 14+ years of experience in Web and Application development. He is the author of insightful How-To articles for Code2care.

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