Program 7: Find Difference of Two Numbers - 1000+ Python Programs

Question 7)

Write a program in Python to find the difference between two numbers.
Write a program in Python to subtract two numbers.
Write a program to subtract two numbers by taking user input using Python Programming.
Program to find the difference between two integer values in Python.

Code Example 1: Subtract two Integers

# Program 7: Example 1
# Subtract two hardcoded int values
# 1000+ Python Programs by

int_no_1 = int(input("Enter int 1: "))
int_no_2 = int(input("Enter int 2: "))

diff_of_ints = int_no_1 - int_no_2

print(f"Difference of {int_no_1} and {int_no_1} is {diff_of_ints}")

Enter int 1: 20
Enter int 2: 10
Difference of 20 and 20 is 10

Subtract two ints python program

Code Example 1: Difference between two user inputted floats

# Program 7: Example 2
# Subtract two user-inputted float values
# 1000+ Python Programs by

float_no_1 = float(input("Enter float 1: "))
float_no_2 = float(input("Enter float 2: "))

diff_of_floats = float_no_1 - float_no_2

print(f"The difference between  {float_no_1} and {float_no_2} is {diff_of_floats}")

Enter int 1: 10.2
Enter int 2: 1.2
The difference between 10.2 and 1.2 is 9.0

difference between two floats python program


List of functions used,

  1. print(): Built-in function to print a string on the console with f-strings formatting.
  2. float(): Built-in function to convert String argument to float value.
  3. input(): Built-in function to accept user input


  1. Create a variable to hold first integer/float
  2. Create a variable to hold a second integer/float
  3. Create a third variable to hold the subtraction of two variables using the - (minus) operator.
  4. Print the result using print() function.
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