JSON with PHP Example: JSON Tutorial

JSON extension is a part of PHP 5.2.0.

JSON functions that are available in PHP.

  1. json_decode() : Decodes a JSON string
  2. json_encode() : Returns the JSON representation of a value
  3. json_last_error_msg() : Returns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call
  4. json_last_error() : Returns the last error occurred
PHP JSON encode function Examples :

PHP array to JSON Object :
//PHP array
$phpArray = array (
    'songName' => 'Hotel California',
    'artistName' =>'Eagles'
//PHP array converted to json Object using json_encode()
echo json_encode($phpArray);


Output: {"songName":"Hotel California","artistName":"Eagles"}

PHP Object to JSON Object :
//PHP Class
class Song {
 public $songName ="";
 public $songArtist ="";
 //PHP object
 $mySong = new Song();
 $mySong ->songName = "November rain";
 $mySong -> songArtist = "Guns and Roses";
 //JSON object
 $jsonObj = json_encode($mySong);
 echo $jsonObj;

Output: {"songName":"November rain","songArtist":"Guns and Roses"}

PHP JSON encode function Examples :

JSON Object to PHP Array :
//JSON Object  
$jsonMySong = '{"songName":"November rain",
                 "songArtist":"Guns and Roses"}';
//PHP Array  
$phpArrayObj = json_decode($jsonMySong,true);

Output: array(2) {
["songName"]=> string(13) "November rain"
["songArtist"]=> string(14) "Guns and Roses"

JSON Object to PHP Object :
//JSON Object  
$jsonMySong = '{"songName":"November rain",
                 "songArtist":"Guns and Roses"}';
//PHP Object  
$phpyObj = json_decode($jsonMySong);

Output: object(stdClass)#1 (2) {
["songName"]=> string(13) "November rain"
["songArtist"]=> string(14) "Guns and Roses"

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