Topic: Java

Is Java 20 an LTS Version?

Spring Boot: @RequestBody not applicable to method

[Fix] Springboot: Web application could not be started as there was no ServletWebServerFactory bean defined in the context.

[Fix] java: incompatible types: java.lang.String cannot be converted to int

Complete Reference of ArrayList Collection in Java with Examples

Convert String to LocalDate (using Java 8 Date Time API)

Ways to Convert Java Array to Stream

Fix: error: unclosed character literal in Java

[Fix] error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion (Java)

Best way to Convert Primitive long to int in Java with some Cautions

How to convert Java LocalDateTime to Timestamp Object with Examples

Java 20 (JDK) released and here is what is new and deprecated and deleted

Ways Compare Dates in Java Programming with Examples

How to create a Java Project as a Git Repository with IntelliJ

Understanding and Handling NullPointerException in Java: Tips and Tricks for Effective Debugging

Convert Collection List to Set using Java 8 Stream API

Convert Map to List in Java 8 using Stream API

Spring 5 IoC Example with application Context XML (ClassPathXmlApplicationContext) and Gradle.

How to know the Class Name and Path of a Runtime Java Object?

Native getClass() method from java.lang.Object Class Explained with examples.