Power BI error Something went wrong, unable to read the application metadata

You receive below error when trying to connect and sign-in to Power BI Dashboard app.powerbi.com

Power BI error.PNG
Power BI error

The error message details are below

Something went wrong.
Please try again later.

Power BI was unable to read the application metadata. Please check the Power BI service status in the below support page and try again later.

Date and Time: 2020-10-06 12:05:21Z
ActivityId: b656d627-f46e-4fca-9539-8c82bde404a7

Go to support page

The link you will be redirected to is something like - https://app.powerbi.com/ErrorPage?code=500&errorType=AppMetadataInaccessible

Troubleshoot and fix

There is no definite fix for this and it could be mostly intermittent, retrying may help. But you can still check these points.
  1. Check from a different browser.
  2. Logout and login again.
  3. Check and confirm you can access other Microsoft 365 services like Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, etc.
  4. Check your account has necessary Office 365 license for PowerBI.
  5. White list the Power BI link/domain.
  6. Disable the flag for out of blink CORS.
  7. If zScaler proxy/firewall is used, disable SSL inspection for powerbi.com domain.
  8. Check the behavior for your colleague and try from their machine.
  9. Take help from your Tenant admin for help.
  10. If nothing helps, open a support ticket with Microsoft.
Many users will find the issue auto resolved.


  • DataSource.Error: SharePoint: Request failed: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. (The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
    How to fix this 500 internal server error ? Various blogs suggest clearing cache and updating Power BI tool. Have updated Power BI Desktop to latest version, but no luck.
    anon 18 Nov 2020 02:11:31 GMT
  • Fixed automatically for Me, tried accessing the Dashboard after sometime and it worked!
    anon 05 Nov 2020 23:29:25 GMT
  • Extract from https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Issues/Power-BI-was-unable-to-read-the-application-metadata/idi-p/891724 which worked in my case, admin helped out though

    Chrome v76 and later seem to have introduced changes to how it handles CORS, introducing additional headers for security.
    A temporary solution would be to disable the flag for out of blink CORS at chrome://flags/#out-of-blink-cors and relaunch Chrome. The Power BI team should be looking at this nonetheless.
    anon 16 Oct 2020 02:22:13 GMT
  • Further comments disabled!

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