Fix bash: Permission denied Error

Bash sh Permission denied
# ./
bash: ./ Permission denied

If you are trying to run a Bash (.sh) script on your Terminal and you get a "Permission denied" error then most likely is that the script file does not have the execute permissions. You can check that by the ls command

# ls -l 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30 Apr  5 10:43

Let's read the permissions out,

r = represents read permission.
w = represents write permission. 
x = represents executable permission.

- => This is not a directory

r => owner has read permission
w => owner has write permission
- => owner does not have execute permission

r => group has read permission
- => group does not have write permission
- => group does not have execute permission

r => group has read permission
- => group does not have write permission
- => group does not have execute permission

As you can see we do not have the execute permission!

Fix: Add execute permission using chmod command
# chmod +x

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