How to create tar.gz file using Terminal Command

tar.gz files using terminal command

In order to create a tar.gz file using Terminal you can make use of the tar command with the following options,

tar -czf tar-gz-file-name.tar.gz [files to tar.gz]
-cTo create a new archive for the secified files, can also use --create
-zTo compress the files as archive with gzip, can also use gizip --gunzip
-fRead the archive from or write the archive to the specified file, can also use --file

Exampl 1: tar.gz specfied files seperated by space
tar -czf tarfile.tar.gz file1.txt file2.txt

Example 2: tar.gz all files in current directory
tar -czf tarfile.tar.gz .* 

Example 3: tar.gz all txt extenstion files in current directory
tar -czf tarfile.tar.gz *.txt 

Example 4: tar.gz all files that start with file and has extension txt
tar -czf tarfile.tar.gz file*.txt 

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