Find Sum of two numbers

This is a simple C program that calculates the sum of two numbers entered by the user.

Variables :

integers : num1 and num2 to hold values of number A and number B.

sum is used to store the value of A + B


printf(): is used to disply text and values on the console/screen. %d in printf function is used to display a int variable on screen. \n is used to add a new line

scanf(): is used to fetch data inputted by the user on the console/screen using the keyboard. %d in scanf is indicated that inputted text is of type int. &num1 refers to the address of memory location which will hold number1

Description: Plus + is the addition operator used to add two numbers. sum variable holds the sum of num1 and num2.

 * 1000+ C programs + tutorials
 * This is a C program to calculate
 * sum of two numbers.
 * 1_calculate_sum_of_two_numbers.c
 * Created on: Oct 20, 2019
 * Author:

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <conio.h>

void main() {

	int num1;
	int num2;
	int sum;


	printf("Program to calculate Sum of two numbers :  \n\n");

	printf("Enter value of 1st number : ");
	scanf("%d", &num1);

	printf("\n\nEnter value of 2st number : ");
	scanf("%d", &num2);

	sum = num1 + num2;

	printf("\n\n Sum of %d + %d = %d", num1, num2, sum);


Program to calculate the sum of two numbers :
Enter the value of 1st number: 2
Enter the value of 2nd number: 4
Sum of 2 + 4 = 6

If you do not want a 3rd variable sum then we can simply output the sum as,

printf("\n\n Sum of %d + %d = %d", numberA, numberB, numberA+numberB);

 * 1000+ C programs + tutorials
 * Sum of two numbers without using third variable
 * 1_calculate_sum_of_two_numbers.c
 *  Created on: Oct 20, 2014
 *  Author:

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <conio.h>

void main() {

	int numberA;
	int numberB;


	printf("C Program to calculate Sum of two numbers :  \n\n");

	printf("Enter value of number A : ");
	scanf("%d", &numberA);

	printf("\n\nEnter value of number B : ");
	scanf("%d", &numberB);

	printf("\n\n Sum of %d + %d = %d", numberA, numberB, numberA+numberB);


C Program to calculate Sum of two numbers :
Enter value of number A : 10
Enter value of number B : 40
Sum of 10 + 40 = 50
Adding 3 numbers entered by user.

printf("\n\n Sum of %d + %d = %d", numberA, numberB, numberA+numberB+numberC);

 * 1000+ C programs + tutorials
 * Sum of two numbers without using third variable
 * 1_calculate_sum_of_two_numbers.c
 *  Created on: Oct 20, 2014
 *  Author:

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <conio.h>

void main() {

	int numberA;
	int numberB;
	int numberC;


	printf("C Program to calculate Sum of two numbers :  \n\n");

	printf("Enter value of number A : ");
	scanf("%d", &numberA);

	printf("\n\nEnter value of number B : ");
	scanf("%d", &numberB);
	printf("\n\nEnter value of number C : ");
	scanf("%d", &numberC);

	printf("\n\n Sum of %d + %d + %d = %d", numberA, numberB,numberC numberA+numberB+numberC);


C Program to calculate Sum of two numbers :
Enter value of number A : 10
Enter value of number B : 40
Enter value of number B : 50
Sum of 10 + 40 + 50 = 100
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