Tesla hit by a complete network and mobile app outage - 23 Sept 2020 11am ET (US and Europe)

Tesla is currently having a complete network outage which has affected both its internal service and customers. Their mobile app services across the globe is also not accessible as reported by many on social media. This has happened just a day after the company lost around 50 billion in USD in market value. Tesla stock is currently trading 7 percent down!

Currently the Tesla internal systems are down and staff is unable to take and process orders, the network outage started today around 11 am ET. Tesla motor users in both US and Europe are unable to connect to their cars using the app.PE|

There are many Tesla users that have come out on twitter tweeting about the network outage and being unable to access or control their cars and control features like temperature via the mobile app, though there has been no issues with driving the vehicle.


Connectivity issue seems to be resolved around 12:30 PM ET

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