How to take Screenshot on Android device

Ever came across a situation where you have something interesting on the screen and want to take a picture of that ?

Well, hit "Print Screen" on your computer, simple right. Yes, but what if you want to capture from your Android Smart Phone or Tablet ?

Capturing the current screen from your Android device (phone or tablet) can be done in the following ways. Depending on the Android version, one of the below will work for you.

  1. Click/Press the Power & Volume Down (-) buttons together and hold for 1-2 seconds.
  2. Click/Press the Home & Volume Down (-) buttons together and hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Click/Press the Power button to bring up the Power Options screen. Select Take Screenshot if the option is available.
  4. Download a relative App from Play Store
  5. Once the image is captured, you will hear the shutter sound and the image will be flashed with a notification.

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