Return Statement in PHP : Tutorial

Return statement are used to terminate the execution of a function and return control to the calling function.
Return statement can also return a value to the calling function.
Return is a language construct, it is not a function, hence parentheses are not required to surround the arguments.
If no arguments are provided NULL is returned.

Example 1:

$num = 22;

function evenOddTest($no){

	if($no%2 ==0) {
		return "$no is even";

	else {
		return "$no is odd";

echo evenOddTest($num);


22 is even
Example 2:

function nothingToDo(){

	echo "This function returns noting, hence var_dump returns : ";

//var_dump() returns NULL if function has no return!
echo var_dump(nothingToDo());


This function returns noting, hence var_dump returns : NULL