Google translate in spreadsheet

If you want to translate data in Google spreadsheet cells from one language to another then you can make use of GOOGLETRANSLATE syntax, let's see an example of how to use it.

Syntax/Formula : GOOGLETRANSLATE(text, [source_language, target_language])

text: Its the text you want to get translated, it should be enclosed with double quotes, you can also specify cell ID here.

source_language: This field is used to specify the source language of the text specified. It contains two-letter language code enclosed within double quotes, e.g. "en" for English or "ko" for Korean, "de" for German, "hi" or Hindi and so on, or "auto" to auto-detect the language.

Note: This is an OPTIONAL field. If source_language is not added, target_language must also be not be added.

target_language: This field is used to specify the targeted language of the text specified. It contains two-letter language code enclosed within double quotes, e.g. "en" for English or "ko" for Korean, "de" for German, "hi" or Hindi and so on, or "auto" to auto-detect the language.

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